Skincare Consultation

Book a free skincare consultation with Amanda our skincare specialist.

BOOK NOW by emailing us for an appointment. Due to unfortunately people booking appointments and not attending, my schedule is no longer available to book on the website, please email to receive a link to my schedule where you can book a consultation.

Free Skincare Routine

Not sure what products are right for you? Let's hop on a zoom call and have a chat about your skin, I'd be happy to recommend any products I feel would be beneficial.

Please note I can not give recommendations for medical conditions but I can help with general skin issues such as breakouts, blackheads, discolouration, wrinkles, dry or oily skin, feel free to pop me an email first before booking.

I am also not able to diagnose conditions, while this is a face to face chat I will ask you about your skin issue rather than going by what I see. The zoom option is for people who would prefer a more personal approach rather than an email consultation.

There is no obligation to buy, you won't be asked to check out while we're on call but I do ask you only book a consultation if you genuinely are interested in our brand as I only have a limited number of spaces per week. The day before an email will be sent asking you to confirm your appointment, please ensure you respond to confirm or your consultation may be cancelled. If you do not receive the zoom link or email please check your spam folder.

Language - I'm afraid I only speak English, if you are unable to hold a conversation in English please email rather than booking a consultation and we can use a translator tool. If you are deaf or hard of hearing but can lip read, please email me before the zoom call to let me know, I'll ensure I am well lit and that the screen is as clear as possible.

Using Zoom

You will be sent a email confirmation with a link to the zoom call and date / time.

Once on zoom you will need to turn on your mic and camera, the mic icon is at the bottom left, it will have a line through it, click the mic and your microphone will turn on. The video icon is next to the mic, click this to turn on your video.

Time Slots

Each time slot is 20 minutes, it may be shorter or a little longer if needed but if I do have another meeting planned after you, I'll be sure to let you know our maximum time limit.

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